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How to Let Spring Support You

Virginia bluebell, a beautiful native spring ephemeral. These are everywhere right now!

This post is a sample from the newsletter, which also includes somatic practices and free resources with every post. Sign up here to receive monthly nourishment.

Yesterday, I felt it: stepping outside, I knew spring had really come. To be sure, the spring equinox has long-since passed, but there was something new in the air these past few days. Coming outside at the same moment, my neighbor said out loud what I was already feeling: something just felt different. The energy had changed. The last vestiges of winter, at least in the Shenandoah Valley, are finally gone.


I say “finally” not to disrespect winter. In fact, I love winter. It is, for me, a beautiful time of inner reflection in which the seeds of the year past and the year to come can be gathered in, sorted, and felt in their depths. But at some point, I think all of us - even the most winter-loving among us - are ready for a shift in energy.


Does this sound like you? In my own life, there’s been a longing for shifts in a few different areas - and conversations with others tell me I’m not the only one! Whether it’s a dream you’ve been steadily working toward, or a place of stuckness you’ve been yearning to release, most all of us can resonate this time of year with the feeling that something new wants to come through.


What delights me about spring is that it is a full-hearted, open-handed invitation to let the world support us in this desire for newness and change. It’s no accident that we often feel a surge of energy (or at least a desire for one) this time of year. We are nature, so our emotional lives and the lives of our bodies reflect the cycles around us.

Bloodroot, another gorgeous Virginia-native spring flower.

This month, I invite us to consider: how can we allow the natural flow of seasonal energy to support us? Knowing that we’re not alone in our longings for new life can do wonders. Literally everything around us, from birds to trees to cycles of wind and rain, is right there with us. Can we lean into this a bit, trusting that life itself is supporting our desire for growth and newness?


(Also, it’s okay if you feel uncertain about what wants to grow in you or how to let it grow. This, too, gets to be supported by these waking energies in our world.)


My prayer for you this month is that you feel supported and nourished by the earth’s rising energies as you feel into your own places of growth and change. Until next time, take loving care of yourselves.


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